Michigan Leasing has many options when it comes to equipment leasing and financing. As we have mentioned we focus on our relationship with our customers and by doing that we are able to provide options that suit each of our customers needs individually. Below you will find some of our more common options that we have available to you.
- True Leases
- Conditional Sales Contracts (conventional Financing)
- Lease Buybacks to free up operating capital
- Extensive vendor network to locate the equipment that you need
- Assistance selling your old equipment
- Professional affiliations which allow us to assist in real estate financing
- Operating lines of credit
- New & Used equipment programs
- Seasonal and other custom payment structures
- Low down payments Rates from Prime to Prime plus 4 points
- 12 – 84 Month Terms
- Programs for Medical, Dental & Optical P.C.S
A list of our vendors is available upon request. If you would like to become a vendor please visit our Become a Vendor section. We will consider your request and respond to you as soon as possible.